About Us

GoGuardian helps thousands of K-12 schools maximize the learning potential of every student by creating safe and effective digital learning environments. Our technology products help educators inspire curiosity in the classroom, support student mental health, and protect students from harmful or distracting content. Today, over 7 million students are safely exploring more of the internet with the industry’s most advanced device management platform. That’s why GoGuardian is the fastest growing education company in the U.S.*

When we're not building amazing education software, we're either surfing, playing soccer, or brewing a delicious cup of pour over coffee. Want to help us in our mission? We're hiring!

New Jobs

Commercial Counsel

Full-time  •  El Segundo, California, United States  •  $165,000 - $175,000 / year  •  2w ago
2w ago

Data Scientist II

Full-time  •  Remote (El Segundo, California, United States)  •  $145,000 - $165,000 / year  •  1m ago
1m ago

Security Engineer II

Full-time  •  Remote (El Segundo, California, United States)  •  $130,000 - $150,000 / year  •  1m ago
1m ago