About Us

We are a nationwide executive search firm, specializing in delivering exceptional sales talent. Positions range from Executive level, Mid-level and Entry level type roles. Our team has successfully placed well over 900 Sales Professionals since 1998 and has an unprecedented track record of a 91% retention rate over twelve months against and industry benchmark of 40%. Our expertise and specialization in sales talent enables us to respond quickly and specifically to the needs of our candidates and clients. Our network and database of sales talent exceeds 35,000 sales professionals giving us the ability to cast our net wide and deep to find the right talent in the shortest time possible. Typical clients range from small business owners, medium-size privately and publicly owned businesses to Fortune 500 multi-national Companies.

Coverage: National in scope

Niches Served:  Technology - Software, SAAS, Hardware, Healthcare, Professional Services, Financial Services, Supply Chain, Telecommunications, Media & Advertising, Engineering & Construction Services, Industrial

Positions filled: 

•Sales Leadership: CSO, Vice President, Director, Manager levels

•Quota carrying sales representatives:

   Hunter: Account Executive, Business Development

   Farmer: Account Manager

   Channel Sales 

•Inside Sales & Lead Generation

•Pre & Post Sales Engineers

•Sales Support: Trainers, Operations, Analytics

•Sales Consulting