Sheila G.
Leadership, Communication, Organization, Project Management, Analysis, Quality Assessment, Evaluation, Relationship Building, Aptitude for Learning, Tech Forward
At the heart of my professional journey is a commitment to facilitating relationships and supporting other's success.
I streamlined the onboarding process for English Language Learners and their families where 97 per cent of the students were able to enroll in classes the following day. I managed a caseload of 198 students and families, and mentor educators in three schools. I assisted the district in increasing usage of ESL supportive software platform with 90 percent of teacher usage. I assisted ESL teachers in their pull-out small group instruction where we saw 100 percent student participation daily.
As a case manager, I assisted 30 families as we supported family relationships and student achievement in schools and interpersonal skills. I worked alongside a multidisciplinary team of various community agencies and helped find extra-curricular activities for 100 percent of my students with 80 percent participation.
As a lead for my grade, I had 100 percent attendance in team meetings and 100 percent participation in weekly teacher surveys.