About Us

CourseCREEK is a boutique firm serving the eLearning industry leader in Artificial Intelligence, instructional design, content development, LMS development and implementation, and marketing. 

Services Offered by CourseCREEK:

➡️ LMS Migrations: This is essential for clients transitioning from other LMS platforms, ensuring a smooth changeover with minimal disruption.

➡️ Instructional Design & Development (SCORM): Highlight cutting-edge tools like Articulate Storyline and AI enhancements, which are critical for creating engaging and compliant online courses.

➡️ AI-Generated Solutions: Implement AI-driven services, including automated workflows, intelligent chatbots, and an automated course curriculum generator. AI technologies are highly appealing due to their innovative and efficiency-boosting nature.

➡️ Launch Campaigns and Lead Generation: Position this service to show how you can drive conversions and ROI through targeted marketing and advanced tech setups.

➡️ Consulting: VIP On-Location (VIPOL) and On-Demand C-Suite (ODCS): Combine the appeal of personalized, on-site consulting with strategic input from C-suite executives to address complex challenges.

➡️ Multitenancy and Enterprise Licensing: This service is crucial for B2B clients looking to manage multiple courses or clients through a single platform, highlighting its importance for large-scale operations.

➡️ CourseCORRECT: Offer a comprehensive audit service to improve existing online offerings, a critical step for optimizing sales and user experience. Includes CourseCREATE for new course creators.

➡️ Live Cohorts and Virtual Training: These showcase direct engagement and personalized training opportunities, which enhance client interaction and loyalty.

➡️ On-Demand Support (ODS): Provide essential ongoing support and maintenance to ensure systems are always operational and up-to-date, a fundamental service for all digital operations.

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